I think stockings are my favorite christmas tradition.
Growing up, they were always a small Christmas in and of themselves – filled to the brim with treasures: often a new book, wished-for beauty treats, much-needed winter accessories, and always scratch tickets.
Steve and I skipped stockings this year – instead, we spent the funds on a new set of sheets and duvet for our Buffy comforter. (Best. Gift. Ever.)
If I was responsible for his stocking, I had a few things up my sleeve. For one, he needs a new water bottle for Orange Theory and he can always use a new shirt, or two. Add in a cool, lightweight wallet and this campfire coffee candle – I think he’d be pretty pleased.
As for me, I would have asked for (I love the man, but a list is required) these hilarious bath bombs and this long-awaited, now back-in-stock lip mask. I might also have listed a fresh pair of my favorite glittens or these dainty pearl stacked hoops.
The only person in our household who did open a stocking last week was over the moon with her haul. She received a worry doll (a token nod to my grandmother who always kept a small box of them in her bedside table and doled them out to my sister and i as needed when we stayed with her), a new dress for her bestie, and a tiny tooth fairy box – because we have two wiggly teeth at Casa Ramos, all of a sudden.
In other news – how is it 2020?
Cheers to a new year!