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Category Archives: giveaways
best of 2013: mario badescu giveaway0
although technically, i discovered mb very late in 2012, my love for his products truly developed over the last twelve months. you already know how much my face loves these products. when nothing else works, my skin finds sweet salvation … Continue reading
scenes from last night’s #beautydetox + a giveaway2
i had such a great time at last night’s beauty detox event at dawson’s market. i don’t take the time to explore natural beauty all that often (shame on me!) and this was the perfect opportunity to test some gorgeous … Continue reading
the glossarie gives thanks2
can you beauties believe that it’s november? 2013 has seriously flown and i find myself feeling incredibly grateful for all of the wonderful ways in which you (yes you!) have helped to make the glossarie a more beautiful place this … Continue reading