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Tag Archives: lipstick queen
2016 taught me0
how is it possible that we are on the verge of 2017? i swear it was january just 5 minutes ago. time passing at the speed of light aside, here are ten beauty lessons learned in 2016: trust your brows to benefit. … Continue reading

winter lips7
oh man, december – you have been a real doozy. but! just one more day of work stands between me and a loooong holiday break. so while i round the corner into 2017, here are a few of the shades … Continue reading
early fall roll call2
you guyssss, i miss talking beauty with you. i’m determined to find a way to make some time for writing, because this lack of sharing the product love is not working for me. so, let’s play a quick game of catch … Continue reading

national (non) lipstick day10
there seems to be a day for everything under the sun and i ignore about 99.9% of them, but it would be highly questionable if i let a day dedicated to lipstick pass me by! in celebration of such a … Continue reading
queen bee lip treatment by lipstick queen2
obvious fact of the day: it’s freezing. i don’t think i have ever been so consistently exposed to dry air in my life and my whole body is feeling the effects. my lips are craving comfort and at a time … Continue reading
lipstick queen saint in hot rose0
in my opinion, dry lips don’t just need moisture, they need color. for that reason, i am always on the hunt for a one-step lip that will hydrate and soothe while also giving me a sheer pop of pink. sadly, most … Continue reading
winter beauty9
baby, it’s real real cold outside and i’ll be the first to admit that it’s tough to find makeup that flatters a face that’s well…flaking off. ’tis the season for me to be exfoliating all the time, along with stockpiling … Continue reading

lipstick queen hello sailor2
file this one under “so crazy that it just might work.” poppy king is no stranger to the innovative lip product – her offerings include sheer black, a blood-red stain, and even incandescent opaque shades that mimic butterfly wings. her latest … Continue reading
lipstick queen fired up4
i was inspired by this post on the birchbox blog to investigate how to play nice with red lip color. we all know i’m fair and my makeup preference is conservative girly – i fear spicy and edgy. i love, … Continue reading