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Tag Archives: mac
We are at that weird part of summer: it feels like it’s ending, yet somehow the start of school is still four weeks away. For our family, eight days at the beach await, if we can just get to this … Continue reading

2016 taught me0
how is it possible that we are on the verge of 2017? i swear it was january just 5 minutes ago. time passing at the speed of light aside, here are ten beauty lessons learned in 2016: trust your brows to benefit. … Continue reading

winter lips7
oh man, december – you have been a real doozy. but! just one more day of work stands between me and a loooong holiday break. so while i round the corner into 2017, here are a few of the shades … Continue reading
mac liptensity collection5
jumping in with a quickie – because these vibrant new lipsticks from MAC are just too good not to share. when this absolute prism arrived at my door, it took some major restraint not to swatch all of them immediately. … Continue reading
mac mineralize blush0
i waltzed, nay sprinted, into the nordstrom beauty department on a recent dash through the mall. (time is scarce with a baby, people – errands become an athletic event!) i was on a mission for the perfect blush. i … Continue reading
mac prep + prime beauty balm spf 352
i know that summer has a tendency to make us want to wear less of everything – layers of clothing, makeup, even hair (anyone going for a chic summer chop?) – but summer sweat also tends to cause an increase in … Continue reading
mac patentpolish lip pencil6
the chubby lip pencil is nothing new, and just when i had been starting to feel like i had tried them all and that they were all the same, mac up and changes the game. their new patentpolish lip pencils … Continue reading
the bright lip8
let’s not beat around the bush: my middle is swelling at an alarming rate and while i’m all for growth in the name of progress, my new size is definitely taking some getting used to. in order to feel my … Continue reading
mac studio sculpt lash mascara2
judging by your comments, perhaps the world is not quite ready for this mascara. so, i thought i’d take things down a notch and introduce you to a much simpler product: mac studio sculpt lash mascara. it’s so simple, in fact, … Continue reading
mac sheen supreme lipglass tint10
sometimes i think lip gloss gets a bad rap. it’s a little fussy, your hair gets stuck in it, i get it. but the right formula can add a pouty fullness and flawlessness by masking any fine lines. plus it’s … Continue reading