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Tag Archives: saie
the very best0
2022 was a year that I will look back on as one of the very best. We returned to so much of life as we know it – to full-time in-person school, to work travel, weddings, and trips to visit … Continue reading

under the weather0
Is winter putting anyone else into low spirits? I’m slogging through while lusting warmer days and some sunshine. As my return-to-office gets delayed what seems like indefinitely, I’m snapping up a few things to make my desk / Zoom life … Continue reading

quarantine chic0
My routine has simplified considerably over the past few weeks, but there are a few emerging heroes helping me to look pulled together for homeschool and conference calls (never. ending. conference calls.). The first is this brow butter from saie. … Continue reading

pretty little distractions0
I’m trying to find simple pleasures at a scary time. So whilst working from home and homeschooling a kindergartener, I’m burning through some beauty samples and minis that I’ve picked up over the past few months and acquiring a long … Continue reading