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Tag Archives: sephora
these days, i can’t stop touching my face. it’s smooth and bump-free, even on my forehead where, even if my skin looks clear, i always have clogged pores and clusters of teeny tiny breakouts. now, there’s a softness where … Continue reading

beauty gifting with sephora0
there’s no doubt that it’s a busy time of year. holiday parties, coworker potlucks, card sending, cookie baking, studying secret santa wish lists and fa-la-la-la-la’ing don’t leave a lot of time for shopping. thankfully, there’s one place where you can buy the … Continue reading
we tried it: sephora lip IQ match2
if you aren’t familiar with the pantone color IQ matching at sephora, they basically use this little device to detect your skin tone and match you with any foundation in the store. it’s magical, because the machine not only matches … Continue reading
sephora has gifts upon gorgeous gifts!0
so, the bad news is that there are just ten days until chistmas, but the good news is that sephora has everything you need for everyone on your list. need proof? see below. masks for every concern will easily fulfill … Continue reading

we tried it: ombre nail art0
please welcome new glossarie contributor, stefanie! she comes to us with a cosmetology license, a fierce beauty obsession and a love for trying new things. read along as she shares all of the details of her beauty trials this summer! when it … Continue reading
sephora ultimate oil-in-gel lipstick remover4
all of our recent chatter about bold lips reminded me that as much as i love them, i do have one gripe: i hate when you can still see their remnants the next morning. lets be honest, all of the best … Continue reading
sephora upside down mascara7
sometimes i feel like mascara wands have all of the fun. we’ve certainly seen our fair share of innovative shapes and designs in this department, but this new double-brush from sephora may just take the cake. there was no way … Continue reading
everyday eye essentials5
* it has taken me a long time to learn how to dress up my eyes each morning, but the little tricks i have learned over the years really make a big difference in brightening my face and polishing off … Continue reading

easter basket beauty4
* i haven’t seen the likes of the easter bunny in well over a decade, but if his hippity hop highness were to pay me a visit i would love to see these treats hidden inside my basket – or, … Continue reading

little wishes2
merry christmas eve, beauties! i think this is my most favorite day of the year. it’s all about family and festive cocktails and anticipation for the excitement of the following morning. we’re spending it at my in laws this year … Continue reading