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Tag Archives: stila cosmetics
these days, i can’t stop touching my face. it’s smooth and bump-free, even on my forehead where, even if my skin looks clear, i always have clogged pores and clusters of teeny tiny breakouts. now, there’s a softness where … Continue reading

put some color back in those cheeks2
the mask of foundation that i have been wearing to give my skin the illusion of clarity these days also gives my skin the illusion of looking, well, very much dead. my skin has a natural flush and when my … Continue reading

stila mile high mascara6
when caring for a three-week old infant, mascara basically qualifies as a luxury – and for that reason, i am extra picky about which one i wear these days. since lou arrived, i have done my makeup maybe four times and … Continue reading
stila stay all day vinyl lip gloss1
what is it about summer that calls for – no, make that demands – a beautifully bright look-at-me lip? it’s been quite the search, but i have finally found the one and it’s stila stay all day vinyl lip gloss in … Continue reading
the bright lip8
let’s not beat around the bush: my middle is swelling at an alarming rate and while i’m all for growth in the name of progress, my new size is definitely taking some getting used to. in order to feel my … Continue reading
favorite lip products0
i’m over on meg biram’s place in the blog world talking about my five most favorite lip products! meg has been tapping into the inner workings of several of my best beauty blogger girls and the resulting posts are incredibly … Continue reading
stila baked cheek duo in pink glow0
what i want to tell you about this blush, is that we are embarking on our ninth year together. that’s right. NINE. i discovered this beauty back in the day when she was packaged in cardboard and boy has she … Continue reading
stila sweet treat bronzing powder2
i’m aware that not everyone suffers from my particular shade of pale, but the way i see it, we can all benefit from a good bronzer. something about the month of march with its long, dragged out end-of-winter (please, let … Continue reading
my ten favorite product finds of 201310
it’s been a very good year for the glossarie and the growth of my beauty bag and makeup routine is further proof of all the wonderful products that i was introduced to in 2013. ten products have become everyday, you-will-have-to-pry-them-out-of-my-cold-dead-hands … Continue reading