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Tag Archives: vaseline
vaseline cocoa butter lip therapy0
over the years, i’ve learned that the best way to combat lip dryness is to get into a cycle of prevention as opposed to reactive treatment. it seems to be all about what i put on them overnight that determines … Continue reading
november beauty wishes9
* the shopping ban is still going strong here in glossarie’land so as you can imagine, my wish list is growing at an impossible rate. with the holidays right around the corner, i am finding that my lemmings have a … Continue reading

sleeping beauty4
* i’m big on products that work while i sleep. taking an extra minute to pump moisture in to my skin, eyes, and lips before hitting the pillow means that i wake up to clearer and calmer skin each morning. … Continue reading
travel pretty: dc-nyc-boston-newburyport-dc8
i’m on the train headed back to nyc for a week of fun with hobo at the international gift fair. from new york, i’m training up to boston for a little visit with my family, and then the husband and … Continue reading