Hoping you and your loved ones are safe and well.
As we move through week eight and settle in for what feels like the long(er) haul, I’m on a mission to make this new normal into something resembling sustainable (for the sake of my own emotional health) and hopefully something resembling enjoyable for my family, too.
A few recent acquisitions helping that lofty goal to feel just a bit more in reach:
A CBD subscription from every influencer on Instagram’s fav brand. I opted for these in regular strength and have been taking one each night after dinner to help relax my jaw while I sleep. (I was grinding so badly that I cracked a filling when all of this was just beginning!) Jury is still out on the effectiveness, but i think it’s helping a bit.
Blue light blocking glasses for me and one adorable pair for Lou. These have already made a huge difference for me as I spend more time than ever staring at a screen. They’re lightweight and flattering, plus seemingly indestructible so far – as I drop them often and am not easy on my things in general.
I have slowly gone from skipping the hair straightener to skipping the blow dry altogether. My air-dry game is getting stronger by the day, and after shopping my medicine cabinet for the perfect product, I find that after most washes I prefer to use nothing! When it seems like frizz is going to be a larger issue than any Zoom filter can help, I reach for this old favorite.
More time outside is such a welcome change. While I’m loving a bit more space in the week to enjoy our deck and yard (and our daughter has graduated from her training wheels!) my skin does not take kindly to too much sun. I’ve preventatively opted for this primer which I’m loving and might also add this into the mix.
I can’t be the only one experiencing some serious tech neck and a fresh crop of creases from constantly looking down. This chin lift is on its way to me after reading a review by one of my old faithfuls. Cannot wait for its arrival and for the smooth skin that awaits my neckline. I will most certainly report back.
While the blue light blocking glasses have already helped me to stop squinting and the 9+ hours of sleep each evening have helped to relax the lines around my eyes, I’m always looking for serious ammo to keep that area looking youthful. I received a sample of this gel cream in a recent Origins order and WOWZA. The tiniest drop feels like a burst of cool moisture to my skin. It soothes and softens and has brightened up my lurking dark circles.
In closing: all the soft pants. I bought a linen pair more ripe for public consumption and a genie-esque pair for WFH days. Pair them both with the perfect tee or this halter tank – I may never wear “real” clothes again.
All in all, we’re FINE.
I hope the same for you, sweet friends.